Wednesday 15 August 2012

My mind, exceptional.

Nobody knows what's on my mind. I could not tell so I keep it.

Because it is something complicated that nobody can really feel in order to understand.

Unless you put yourself in my shoes, then you might understand. How big are they. The scars.

All of them.

It is something needed to feel in order to understand.

All of them, however, are not something for everybody to know. Something private in which, it makes nobody could understand.

But once you knew, you would know, how much burden I had keep in my mind for all these times.

And you would feel, behind every words, in every expression, in every action, consists of something meaningful.

And you would indeed notice, for every single smile, lies some exceptional burden, and scars I always keep, in every single second of my life.


Sunday 1 July 2012

Top Three Summer Target

1. I am waiting for something.

2. I may call it my Top Three Summer Target.

3. The first one: Ramadhan.

4. This coming Ramadhan could be my last Ramadhan, or it could be my first Ramadhan to keep up a strong momentum.

5. So I wish I could spend my Ramadhan the best as I could.

6. The second one: London Olympic 2012.

7. Some says something, some kind of disaster, would happen in the Olympic.

8. I am more than willing to wait if it really happens.

9. The third and final one: my Summer vacation to Malaysia.

10. My flight would be after Eidul Fitr, just a short two weeks vacation.

11. I hope I could settle some important matters when I return to Malaysia in those two short weeks.

12. Always, for sure, in the name of Allah.

Keep on waiting,


1. Marriage is not one small thing.

2. It is something really big, that it could change the pace of your life.

3. The importance of marriage can not be taken lightly.

4. If you ever feel to get into marriage, you may think this way.

5. Imagine you are in a situation, where you have to carry your wife and your children to cross a river of fire on one thin string.

6. If you have no confidence, low down your wish to get married by fasting.

7. If you have the determination, strength and confidence, then you may go on.

8. Because once you succeed, you just made yourself another candidate to lead the front line of our brotherhood.

May Allah will always bless you.

Good luck,

Wrist Watch

1. I just lost my watch earlier today.

2. It is the second time in my life that I lost my dearest watch.

3. Although I am not someone who would really cry over a lost material, I just feel so sorrow because both watches have sentimental values to me.

4. The first one, was something really meaningful.

5. I was just speechless. I could not even talk about it again. I could not even describe how meaningful it was to me.

6. It was a 20 years-old watch inherited from my father.

7. A gold watch, bought by my father when he was at University.

8. I couldn't tell how happy I was when he gave it to me.

9. I had an unimaginable childhood in which I spent my high school just to impress my father.

10. Because he was so strict and busy that I can count how many times he taught me about life.

11. I was desperate to seek acknowledgement from my father, so when he inherited his watch, I was just so happy.

12. But it was about 5 years ago, I lost that watch at my friend's house.

13. I kept it as a secret because it was so meaningful to me, that it is hard for me to talk about it.

14. Because if I am to tell the story on how I lost that watch, that hurtful memory will scratch again.

15. I spent some times without a watch until my sister gave me one.

16. And a few years later I bought one and my late maternal grandfather inherited another one the last time I met him before he passed away.

17. I could not fit those watches really well. The one gave by my sister, I kept it in a safe place while the other inherited by my late grandfather was fortunately without chains so I could not wear it.

18. The watch that I bought, I don't really like it.

19. Until my future wife gave me one. It was so dearest and meaningful to me.

20. I could forget the hurtful memory about my father's watch.

21. I wore it with pride and love, for a few months until this morning.

22. I went to Seoul Central Mosque for Fajr prayer after a very long exhausted journey.

23. My mind was just half awake.

24. I forgot to take my watch I left after I finished using the toilet.

25. And I woke up this morning finding I was so careless and half awake that I forgot to take my watch.

26. I was speechless again.

27. It was really a traumatic experience.

28. My heart went blank. I just can't have the feeling to wear another watch again. Ever.

29. Only a picture of that watch can I keep, it was a beautiful memory though, Mia Nanaz.

30. A beautiful name I just made up for you, I hope you will forever be in my heart. Rest in peace.

"Kenangan Semalam, Senandung Semalam"


Sunday 10 June 2012

I Say

I am someone who thinks critically and can be very direct, sometimes.

So, if anybody got hurts with my words, I am sorry.

Because I thought people are brave enough to face reality.

Written by,


Muda2 ni nampak cantik bagai la..fizikal tu tak kekal..yang kekal sampai mati tu hati dan sifat manusia..wanita tu nampak cantik bila hati dia cantik..biarla buruk mana pun fizikal hang wahai wanita sekalian, kalau hati tu cantik sopan lemah lembut, lelaki mana pun boleh cair..true story.



Akhir2 ni nampak generasi sekarang takde lah teruk mana. Bila ada nampak something yang salah dilakukan terang-terangan, ada je yang berfikiran matang dan rasional. Potensi masa depan anak2 Malaysia masih cerah. Cuma perlu digilap lagi dan tidak diselangi anasir buruk.

Friday 1 June 2012


Isikan hati anak sejak kecil dengan Al-Quran..sejauh mana pun dia meliar di zaman remajanya, insyaAllah dia tak akan lari dari kesesatan. Dia akan belajar dari pengalaman dan kembali ke akarnya. Kerana hatinya telah pun dipenuhi dengan hikmah2 Al-Quran..


Troubled Heart

Ya Allah..Ya Allah..Ya Allah..I am too fond to this world..I am madly in love with this world..How foolish am I..How troubled I feel..How stupid it is..

O God..


Thursday 24 May 2012


Kalau pergi melancong tu tengok niat kita apa..duit beribu ribu tak dapat habiskan untuk pahala sangat merugikan..jika ada rakan2 di tempat yang dilawat niatkan utama untuk ziarah rakan bukan untuk berjalan..kadang2 datang niat nak berjalan tapi gunakan rakan tu pula..macam ambil kesempatan..paling baik jika melancong memang ada agenda atau tujuan utama yang bermanfaat..wallahualam



Kadang2 kita complain duit lambat masuk. Sedangkan kita diberikan tubuh badan sihat yang membolehkan kita untuk even study to the best dan dapat pointer tinggi2 selaras dengan isi kandungan kontrak JPA yang kita tandatangani.

Tetapi ada pengemis Korea yang patah kaki, mengemis di tepi jalan dalam cuaca sejuk. Manusia jenis apa kita yang tak pandai bersyukur? Amanah tetap amanah. Tapi biar kena dengan adab.


Mia Syafinaz II

Never imagined that my life had gone this way.
I thought she was the one.
But indeed she wasn't.
I cried for the whole night.
I kicked the ball as hard as i can.
Scheming through out the sky.
I met new people, new life.
And might it be several primadonnas.
But never may it be.
And never may it seems I met the special one.
Although I thought I met her. 
Somewhere in the time lapse.
For at least once.

And the Destiny at last came a knock.
For someone I had never ever imagined to be.
She was there from the moment I enter new phase of life.
The transition from a boy to a fine young man.

Yes, God did give signs I sometimes forget.
But it seems He told me to learn from mistakes.
Over mistakes over blunders.
Which I thought was my rightful divinely Destiny.
The Holy Grail of my entire life.

I had my first vision, and she had hers.
Those sneaking little time which fall upon.
We thought of as a rhyme of laugh.
But it was actually a sign of luck.
Years come years goes.
All the dreams at last, came a beautiful outcome.

This is how life goes, gentleman.
You never give up, you never surrender.
Because your Destiny is always waiting.
And will always be running to whomever may it be.
As fast as they can.
You should forgive the past and look beyond the future.

Because that's how I met her.
The key to a tiny heart,
The motivator to a weakened soul.
The blood to the running veins.
May it be truth one day, o mon amour.
Forever and ever and ever.
I will always love you.

Tu es l'amour de ma vie.
Endless affection, Mia Syafinaz.

Written by,

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Mia Syafinaz

Never imagined that my life had gone this way.

I thought she was the one.

But she wasn't.

I cried for the whole night.

I kicked the ball as hard as i can, scheming through out the sky.

That's how Sergio learnt from me perhaps, when Madrid lose.

I met new people, new life.

And might it be several primadonnas.

But never it seems I met the special one.

Although I thought I met her. For at least once.

And the Destiny at last came a knock.

For someone I had never imagined to be.

She was there from the moment I enter new phase of life.

The transition from a boy to a man.

Yes, God did give signs I sometimes forget.

But it seems He told me to learn from mistakes.

This is how life goes.

You never give up, your destiny is always waiting.

You should forgive the past and look beyond the future.

Because that's how I met her.

The key to a tiny heart,

The motivator to a weakened soul.

May it be truth one day.

Endless affection, Mia Syafinaz.

I am no one.



Sunday 13 May 2012

I Quoted

As Mario and Ezio pushed their way through the angry throng, the bells of Saint Peter's began to ring the alarm.

"You condemn what you do not understand," said Ezio to a priest who was trying to bar their way.

Written by,


Selagi belum berkahwin, jangan sekali katakan itu cinta. Kerana cabaran cinta itu hanya diuji selepasnya. Bangkitlah anak muda. Jangan terlalu indah di alam cinta muda. Kelak kau ketahui cinta manusia tidaklah kekal. Kerana tiada siapa memiliki sifat kekal melainkan Raja langit dan bumi. Cinta itu dua hala. Jika kedua2nya mati maka matilah cinta. Tapi jika salah satunya kekal, maka kekallah cinta.


I Say

Thanks Ubisoft. After i learnt about the Crusade (AC1), Renaissance (AC2), the Borgias and Pope conspiracies in Rome (ACB), and the rise of Ottoman Empire in Constatinople (ACR), now I have the opportunity to learn about The American Revolution. History might not be accurate, but at least we can see how people thinks and behave in the past. Not a bad idea to learn something from game.

Assassin's Creed III World Gameplay Premiere [North America]

Written by,

I Say

"Dan nafsu lelaki amatlah berbeza dgn nafsu perempuan. Dengan hanya melihat, lelaki dah boleh memuaskan nafsunya (more or less)." -quote from a male blog

Girls are quite naive about boys. I pity them.

Written by,

Thursday 10 May 2012

I Say

A girl who loves to show off her beauty is making an insult to those who isn't really beauty. Because they can't do the same thing.

Eventually, due to the discrimination of beauty from our world's community nowadays, some of them would try to be look more beautiful by showing off their hair.

It's a more unappropriate aurat than just a plain face with tudung.

Thus, our own behaviour indeed gives an important impact to those around us.

It annoys me more then those so called extreme political or religious posts.

Written by,


Apa bagus sangat ke post something kat FB..apa niat dan tujuan kita..kalau memang tujuan baik takde masalah..kalau yang takde tujuan camne..tujuan nak tunjuk kita ni baik ke apa..nak menunjuk2 ke ikhlas..tu ikut niat masing2..tapi kadang2 yang kita post tu, jadi tatapan umum yang membawa kepada pendebatan..apa rasionalnya? jelas sekali, tak ada cara yang lebih baik untuk memberi maklumat atau berdakwah melainkan satu sesi yang melibatkan dua pihak atau lebih secara dua hala..



Mungkin aku terlalu tegas dan kasar dalam berdakwah. Atau mungkin juga bagus untuk tegas tetapi aku terlalu kasar. Atau mungkin juga aku tidak terlalu kasar tetapi berhadapan dengan manusia yang lembut hatinya.

Aku masih muda, dan beriltizam akan terus memperbaiki diri.


Wednesday 9 May 2012

Manusia Si Penghukum

1. Manusia ni, dari perspektif zaman sekarang, sangat mudah menghukum sesuatu. Benda yang nampak salah, terus dihukum.

2. Perkara2 yang kita nampak salah, sepatutnya dikaji dan disiasat latar belakangnya. Kita tak layak menghukum sesama manusia sewenang-wenangnya.

3. Kalau kita memang jenis suka menghukum manusia, atas logik apa kita mahu tegakkan hukum Tuhan?

4. Sedangkan hukum Tuhan itu pun, jika dikaji dengan teliti, perlaksanaannya sangat ketat. Setiap hukuman akan memastikan si pesalah dihukum seadil-adilnya.

5. Sifat buruk kita yang suka menghukum ini, wajar ditapis sebaik-baiknya oleh setiap individu. Muslim atau non Muslim. Ia menampakkan kita sebagai seorang yang lemah daya pemikiran.

6. Dan sifat buruk ini dilihat agak berleluasa. Dari sebesar2 perkara ke sekecil2 perbuatan harian.

7. Tidak perlu ambil contoh isu politik dan lain-lain. Lihat saja pada perkara sekecil dunia bola sepak.

8. Jaringan seorang pemain yang tidak pasti melepasi garisan atau tidak, dilihat oleh seorang pengadil perlawanan pada waktu itu sebagai satu jaringan.

9. Tugas seorang pengadil untuk mengadili perlawanan dengan adil. Tapi seorang manusia yang mencari rezeki untuk keluarga juga tidak boleh mengekalkan daya fokus dalam satu masa.

10. Maka kita terus menghukum pengadil tersebut sebagai tidak adil. Sedangkan jika kita teliti dan kaji semula jaringan melalui video atau medium lain, sesetengah pengkaji bersetuju atas keputusan tersebut dan sesetengahnya tidak bersetuju.

11. Namun apa yang perlu kita fahami, bukan keputusan pengadil tersebut yang kita perlu persoalkan. Beliau telah menjalankan tugas sebaik mungkin.

12. Kita pula hanya terlalu cepat untuk menghukum. Kita katakan pengadil tidak adil. Kita katakan pengadil menyebelahi pihak lawan. Kita katakan pelbagai perkara yang menghukum pengadil sedangkan kita tidak pun berada di tempat kejadian.

13. Sifat buruk seperti ini perlu diperbaiki.

14. Manusia memang sentiasa mempunyai kelemahan. Tidak kurang juga si penulis.

15. Dan manusia yang baik ialah mereka yang sentiasa memperbaiki kesilapan.

16. Tidak adil bagi diri kita jika kita masih bersikap sedemikian. Kita perlu sentiasa bermuhasabah diri atas apa yang telah kita lakukan.

17. Apa benar kita manusia yang sentiasa mahukan kebaikan dan keadilan jika kita sentiasa memberikan keburukan dan ketidakadilan kepada orang lain?

18. Kehidupan ini bersifat rantaian memberi dan menerima.

19. Dan kita tidak layak menerima jika kita tidak memberi.
